Below is a transcript of our most recent correspondence with CoinMarketCap. They have been denying us a listing for nearly three years now! Do you think this is fair?
Mar 31, 10:11 PM EDT
Good Day,
Thank you for the note. We have forwarded this information to our developers to evaluate.
The rest of our content team will also review your request and reach out IF they decide to move forward with the integration. We ask for your patience while we evaluate this request.
Please note that there is no standard timeline or guaranteed outcome for listing, even if the prerequisites are met .
There are many other moving parts (e.g. testing, engineering resources, backlog of other applicants), so please be mindful that we cannot commit to any timeline or outcome .
Listing outcomes/timelines are a function of demand and supply, similar to job/university applications. As such, meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee a listing .
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted .
Beyond the prerequisites, we perform our evaluation holistically and pay close attention to a multitude of factors (both quantitative and qualitative), such as the market pairs on supported exchanges, the sources of the volume, project/product development, and community engagement. These include but are not limited to what is mentioned in Section C.
It bears mentioning that getting listed on our site is not simply a matter of ticking off a checklist or hitting predefined thresholds, as we benchmark submissions against others in the cohort. To quote Section D-11, " inflating trading volume, traffic, or social media metrics will not increase a project’s chances of getting listed" .
Best Practices/Guidelines
You may send us additional information about your progress ( via this thread ) to keep us updated, especially if you have made some noteworthy progress.
However, please do not submit duplicate requests as it will add to the request queue and slow down the process.
For more information regarding the listing process, please see: Methodology | CoinMarketCap
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The online submission form is the only way to request for listings/updates to CoinMarketCap. Do not reach out through other channels, such as email or social media, because you will always be directed to this form. CoinMarketCap listings are always free . Please beware of spoofed emails, fake social accounts, or individuals requesting listing fees.
Mar 31, 11:38 AM EDT
Please write to [email protected] for authentication.

Attachments area

Charg Coin (CHG) / WeCharg <[email protected]> Wed, Apr 1, 8:00 PM (19 hours ago) 

to CoinMarketCap , Mail

Thank you. ALSO, our exchange/hub will be available on Tuesday here:
Kindly let us know the listing status? Thank you in advance for listing our new Mainnet!
Founder, CHG
Have you seen our other website? We do a lot around here!
In my other life I own a computer company called StealthMachines. Resulting, I can design: engineer, rapid prototype, fabricate, and manufacture just about anything in house.

CoinMarketCap (CoinMarketCap) <[email protected]> Wed, Apr 1, 9:00 PM (18 hours ago) 

to Mail

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (112819) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
CoinMarketCap (CoinMarketCap)
Apr 1, 11:00 PM EDT
Good Day,
We have decided to feature this asset as an ‘untracked listing’ . The project will be ‘discover-able’ when our users type its name in the search bar.
For more details on the different listing tiers, please see the ‘Listings Criteria’ link in my signature. These have been reproduced below for your ease of reference.
(3) Listing Tiers
Projects that do not meet the minimum requirements MAY still be featured on the site as untracked listings , as outlined in Item (c) below.
- Inactive Listing - Projects that have been set to inactive status due to the absence of market data on at least one (1) CMC-supported exchange or cessation of operations. To qualify for a reactivation review, the project must be able to demonstrate that the asset is actively traded with material volume on at least one (1) CMC-supported exchange.
- Unverified Listing - Projects whose price data show up through automated processes, but have not been reviewed by CMC.
- Untracked Listing - Projects that do not meet the minimum requirements in Section B1/B2 to track market data, but nevertheless exhibit strengths in a number of areas of Section C (Evaluation Framework) below.
- Tracked Listing - Projects that have met the minimum requirements in Section B1/B2 and exhibit strengths in a number of areas of Section C.
For a cryptoasset to be considered for a listing review, it must meet the following prerequisites:
- Leverage cryptography, consensus algorithms or distributed ledgers, peer-to-peer technology and/or smart contracts to function as a store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account, or decentralized application.
- Must have a functional website and block explorer.
- Must be traded publicly, and actively traded on at least one (1) exchange (with material volume) that has tracked listing status CoinMarketCap.
- Provide a representative from the project with whom we can establish open lines of communication for any clarifications.
As such, please let us know ( via this thread ) once the asset is able to sustain higher levels of trading volume/activity across at least 1 CMC-supported exchange with ‘tracked listing’ status so that we can evaluate your submission more closely.
For trading volumes, there is no specific threshold that we are able to disclose, as we benchmark our assessment against market conditions and other applications. An added consideration would be to prevent people from ‘gaming’ the system.
As a general rule of thumb ( this is by no means a guarantee ), 3-figure USD volumes and below are harder to justify.
Note that these are just the minimum requirements and meeting them does not guarantee a tracked listing, as we benchmark submissions against others in the cohort.

Charg Coin (CHG) / WeCharg <[email protected]> 6:35 AM (9 hours ago) 

to CoinMarketCap , Mail

We are a MAINNET coin, not a token. Please make sure you list us as a mainnet and not a token
We have been around for three years, Since Nov. 2017
We have our own exchange which needs to be listed also
I am seeing THOUSANDS of fake coins which are tracked, why are you not tracking us? Our coin is LEGITIMATE, offers unique merit, and has $1,000+ legitimate volume every day since our inception! Most of the coins I see which you are presently tracking I show no volume for or fake volume for! We can easily achieve higher volume, but if we are not even listed in the phonebook what’s the point of starting our campaign?
- Leverage cryptography, consensus algorithms or distributed ledgers, peer-to-peer technology and/or smart contracts to function as a store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account, or decentralized application. -Yes our does this, WE HAVE OUR OWN MAINNET -
- Must have a functional website and block explorer. yes we have that also and again it is a MAINNET and not a silly token -
- Must be traded publicly, and actively traded on at least one (1) exchange (with material volume) that has tracked listing status CoinMarketCap. - Yes we are listed on Mercatox, Forkdelta, McAfee DEX, and OUR OWN EXCHANGE
- Provide a representative from the project with whom we can establish open lines of communication for any clarifications. - My name is Josef Kulovany my phone number is (970) 631-4179 for which you may leave a message and I will call you right back.
I am feeling like this is a glass ceiling club which we are not being permitted entrance. We have worked very hard now for three years and feel it’s time you remove the glass ceiling so that we can compete normally against these many thousands of others coins who appear to be listed with lesser technology than our own!
Thank you.
Founder, CHG Coin

CoinMarketCap (CoinMarketCap) <[email protected]> 10:51 AM (5 hours ago) 

to Mail

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (112819) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
CoinMarketCap (CoinMarketCap)
Apr 2, 12:50 PM EDT
Good day,
Please review our last response - It explains our position clearly.

Charg Coin (CHG) / WeCharg <[email protected]> 3:49 PM (10 minutes ago) 

to CoinMarketCap , Mail

I have read your response, however I must be candid in saying it is quite obvious you have established a glass ceiling. Your approval is not based on merit (how many Mainnets are there in the world?) but upon the unreachable metric of being “in the club.” I have reviewed all of the most recent coin listings, along with thousands of existing coin listings, and our coin even outperforms all of these in terms of your stated required metrics of performance. Such as it is, we will be displaying all of your responses in our public forums for our community to review. We do not feel your continued denial of our coin is based upon good faith, but upon creating an environment where fair competition is IMPOSSIBLE. Stop censoring CHG!!
Should you wish to acknowledge our hard work we will change our own position of publicizing this unfair demerit. We have no wish to do battle with CMC, but if your position is that fair competition is IMPOSSIBLE, our position is that the public needs to know.
Founder, CHG