ETH 0x0d9b0fCA02c67e13E524c5Fd4408b13a26454085 |
CHG 3.0 Roadmap |
Charg Platform V3.0 - Google Docs |
Launch your own virtual cloud offering like DigitalOcean |
SolusIO | Apps and Integrations | WHMCS |
Turnkey application hosting for DevOps | |
Sell The Cloud Today! |
High-Performance Private Cloud | Web Hosting | VPS & Dedicated | Hivelocity |
Turnkey Linux Appliances On Self-Hosted VPS | |
Streamlined cloud deployment and management |
Tour - Cloud Deployment | TurnKey Hub |
Free and open source hosting automation | |
| |
Web Hosting Automation |
Overview | Feature Tour | WHMCS |
Simple way of generating Wildcard/SAN SSL CSRs for Product Managers |
[How-to] Simple way of generating Wildcard/SAN SSL CSRs for Product Managers | by Rameez Kakodker | Medium |
How to Create CSR and Install a Wildcard SSL Certificate on Apache Using OpenSSL |
How to Create CSR and Install a Wildcard SSL Certificate on Apache Using OpenSSL |
As for my own needs, here soon we are going to have the need for a swarm, or cluster, of really low resource virtual host nodes (about as much resources as a raspberry pi per node). These are our CHG-equivalent of miners. The bigger the cluster, the better. I don’t know much about it but it seemed like with a really nice graphic card you can now have shared resources - not just partitioning the resources, but also actually SHARING the resources on-demand. I think the following will help tremendously- |
CUDA on WSL: 1. NVIDIA GPU Accelerated Computing on WSL 2 — CUDA on WSL 12.8 documentation |
1. NVIDIA GPU Accelerated Computing on WSL 2 — CUDA on WSL 12.8 documentation |
vgpu; |
Virtual GPU Software User Guide - NVIDIA Docs |
Sharing memory across virtual machine: vSphere Resource Management |
vSphere Resource Management |
IPFS clustering (not what I need from you, but important to understand for future reference): | |
Then there is also containerizing. A unique challenge we have in terms of security is that we can’t utilize the TRADITIONAL cloud. If a large corporation has touched it, it might not be secure. Docker, while the perfect solution for virtualization and for containers, is also indirectly owned by Google and is therefore disqualified. There IS open source version of Docker, located here: | |
Let me share some ideas i have for my roadmap, for which I would be happy to share the journey with you - |
1) Compete directly with PEAK internet using their hardware, then later develop ground-to-ground communication and expand upon CHIRP for HAM radio (this will eventually require becoming our own ISP) |
2) Establish a completely Decentralized ISP for which I have sent many links below after my signature (P2P ad hoc over blockchain, instead of traditional hub and spoke). Blockchain enables each peer to also host, as encryption is baked into the cake. That’s where CHG’s proprietary mainnet will come in (borrowing from other blockchains as well, thanks to interoperability!) |
3) Start a movie rental service in addition to hosting service. I have a large library of movies already, over 3000 titles! |
Additionally, I have built pc’s for a living via Stealthmachines for 18 years. THIS WILL TIE IN. |
Lastly, please at least visit all of the links below under MORE LINKS. |
Standford ELF/VLF Research | |
p2p Internet platform that connects users directly with local Internet capacity provided by farmers. | |
virtual machines to help customize resource management. |
vSphere Resource Management |
BOB: World's 1st Blockchain Phone | Indiegogo |
Low Frequency Radio |
Low frequency - Wikipedia |
Very Low Frequency Radio |
Very low frequency - Wikipedia |
Project Sanguine - Extremely Low Frequency Communications |
Project Sanguine - Wikipedia |
USN ELF Communications System |
USN ELF Communications System |
BEAM WISP Internet |
Software Downloads - Ubiquiti |
Solar Powered Internet | |
UISP Application |
UniFi - Rethinking IT - Ubiquiti |
How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service |
How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service - Ars Technica |
Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) | |
The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices | |
OpenWISP is a modular network management system built on top of OpenWRT |
Features: OpenWrt Controller, RADIUS - OpenWISP |
Start Your Own ISP |
Billing and Customer Management - Start Your Own ISP |
i built a Raspberry Pi SUPER COMPUTER!! // ft. Kubernetes (k3s cluster w/ Rancher) | |
The other thing we discussed, a hypervisor setup to run several virtual machines in one physical box; I’ve surmounted the problem by the addition of the 3rd Stealth Machine, AND… most critically, the use of a simple program from the Microsoft Garage; i.e. freeware from Microsoft enthusiasts - called Mouse Without Borders. This program allows one physical mouse to control up to 4 computers via the internet and the use of a verification protocol with credential exchange. Installation of the software is quick and easy - it goes onto the computer which physically hosts the mouse and keyboard hardware. That installation displays a verification code and machine name supplied when Mouse Without Borders is first installed on the primary/hosting machine. Once that is done, the Mouse Without Borders is then installed on up to 3 satellite machines; and each is informed of the name and verification code of the primary box. As each satellite is added, one simply updates an included UI which depicts the physical location of boxes with respect to each other, so that cursor travel between machines is seamless and doesn’t bounce around, instead proceeding completely through one, and all of its screens, until it appears on the next box screens, etc. The screen currently hosting the cursor is also the screen that interacts with the primary machine’s keyboard. The original mice and keyboards of the satellite boxes are still there, usable in emergency - in case OS issues pop up, or one box is offline. Mouse Without Borders also allows drag and drop of files and cut/copy and remote paste ability; simply amazingly useful stuff. One way you know this is nifty stuff, this email was typed out on a box other than the one that will send it. |
So, yeah, I have it working without hypervisor. I still think a hypervisor is a classier approach, but for now I’m running 3 boxes with one mouse and one keyboard - perfect! Keep in touch, always nice to do business with you! |
Nvidia NVENC (short for Nvidia Encoder) a feature in Nvidia graphics cards that performs video encoding |
Nvidia NVENC - Wikipedia |
Consumer targeted GeForce graphics cards officially support no more than 3 simultaneously encoding video streams, regardless of the count of the cards installed, but this restriction can be circumvented on Linux and Windows systems by applying an unofficial patch to the drivers, that can also unlock NVFBC.[6] Professional cards support between 3 and unrestricted simultaneous streams per card, depending on card model and compression quality.[1] |
Map of all the world’s radio stations | |
IPFS Universe | |
Unnstoppable Domains | |
InterPlanetary Linked Data |
GitHub - ipld/ipld: InterPlanetary Linked Data |
the data model of the content-addressable web | |
7 Alternatives to Docker |
6 Docker Alternatives to Look Out for in 2024 | JFrog |
Container and virtualization tools | |
Take time to familiarize yourself with the in’s and outs of the CHG network. It is an asset in your tool belt which can and must be vertically integrated. There is no reason you can’t use the network to make a FREE smart contract for your 3rd party company, for example. You have an advantage here: There is virtually no networking fee (for us) on a pre-built network! That should get your attention! The value of money is being replaced by vending machine functions, and you co-own the vending machine! Don’t let this go to waste with your other endeavors! |
I, myself, would like to play around with: |
*Building Linux on top of an EVM, then making it a cloud resource which can be shared such that each user has their own OS (my library at university had computers that anyone could access with only their password, everyone shared the same supercomputer resources) |
*A CHG fork or hybrid of chains built on tertiary logic. Install Linux on Tertiary EVM. |
* A decentralized ISP, built on CHG |
* Offline-native system of paper money relating to CHG |
* FREE NFT’s living on CHG for marketing arm |
* Encouraging 3rd parties to join our ecosystem and conglomerate |
* distributed (every node is an exchange owner) markets. HINT: This is how we get people infusing cash into CHG. |
* Blockchain (INVINCIBLE) web hosting |
* Movie rental service |
There are LOTS of off-the-shelf smart contracts now for everything you could ever dream of, and some of them would make a LOT of sense now that you co-own your own Web 3.0 network! You who have ears, are you listening? |
IF I am smart, I will not think of CHG as how to make money, I will think of it as how to create. This is foundation. We have the tools we need to build… whatever we want. |
Don’t forget, because we achieved Web 3.0, we can now call up other networks for their niche. A storage network can be called up if we need BIG STORAGE or SECURE STORAGE, for example |
what else is currently off-the-shelf in DAPP? It doesn’t matter what network it is on!!! |
so, we have a direction in place for improving and expanding our scale-friendly infrastructure, as well as available revenue/notoriety streams supplying the vehicles, depending upon application, for driving that infrastructure - planes, trains, automobiles, distributed energy and communications (internet + automated $), renewable and off-grid-ready. Also, we are working on our own platform for free speech to add onto our already robust blockchain foundation in order to complete our software ecosystem which may, in addition to wifi leasing, also have such novelties as video renting (don’t underestimate the importance of Netflix in the corporate power struggle) - it’s all made possible by the CHG mainnet |
We have the potential and in fact must become a marketing giant for all of this scaling to happen more quickly - I think Asad and Mon’s firms can help with this nicely, building together |
and finally we are working a bit on distributed web hosting which will become more important for censorship-resistance per the CHG web 3.0 Ecosystem thread here on skype. |
Additionally, we are providing distributed access to both hardware (distributed ISP) and software (censorship-resistant encoding (no ISP required to transact) and censorship-resistant web 3.0 hosting - DNS, web host, everything) |
those are a lot of pieces, but the nice thing is we have a lot of nimbleness still and can pick and choose the best approach for quickly integrating the biggest money-makers and using these funds to fuel growth in other sectors which are only possible with big capital infusions + copy/paste off-the-shelf methodology |
our engine will be a Tesla Turbine(s) with TWIN spindle (center-tapped) center shaft 3-phase induction motors (x2 in one axis), I have already divulged the basics of this motor - twin propellor is the simplest but eventually also jet and faster revolutions |
this same motor assembly can be used in electric / H2 / methane car, it can be used in off-grid/on-grid inverter, it can be used in planes, it is the perfect product to vertically integrate forever and as long as we are still able to scale everything. |
So, also, is our computer which invariably accompanies each application. No reason the computer can’t be made more powerful if desired by the end user for each and every application! |
Movie Rental Sharing |
GitHub - WatchItDev/watchit-app: Open movies everywhere |
Indistinguishability obfuscation |
Computer Scientists Achieve ‘Crown Jewel’ of Cryptography | Quanta Magazine |
µBITX transceiver | |
HAM cheat sheets |
Ham Radio For Dummies Cheat Sheet |
Ham Radio Beamforming with Phased Arrays |
Ham Radio Beamforming with Phased Arrays - Making It Up |
Build a Micro uBitX All Mode All Band HF Ham Radio | |
HAM Amateur Television | |
Video Share VOD |
Download – Video Share VOD OTT OVD Script |
DFINITY · GitHub |
Baofeng UV-5R Repeater System | |
Hacking the Baofeng UV5R |
Hacking the Baofeng UV5R |
… |