Become Your OWN Power Plant

Tired of untrustworthy utilities to supply your power? BECOME YOUR OWN POWER PLANT.


Copyright 2022 Josef Kulovany, where applicable.

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Special thanks to Nikola Tesla and Gerard Morin for inspiring this work.

What are those six little black dots? SPARK GAPS. AKA spark plugs. Now you know…


I cannot believe a forgot to mention the inspiration for this work - it is based upon Gerard Morin’s project, located here -, which itself is based upon Nikola Tesla’s own work.

Hope you are well, Gerard. We haven’t heard any news in quite some time, and I pray one day we hear from you again. God bless.

Abstract: An engine has the standard need for a spark, though differing means of achieving this ranging from high pressure glow plug in a diesel to spark plugs to magnetos. Each magneto could be made into an isolated circuit, permitting us also to achieve transmission (gear box in airplane world). Each magneto contributing to a phase, we achieve 6 phase electricity local to our airplane, automobile, and/or power plant. Brushless DC motor, ac motor, spark between to permit transience between DC and AC with independent circuits for each - 48V + 6 x 120V. 3 phases are dedicated to the continuance of the system, 3 could be used as our backup. The same for accessories and lights circuits - redundancy being the mother of safety.

Under the hood, if we make a smaller engine for sake of efficiency there may arise the need for a more robust electrical system for sake of recycling our inertia - never let energy leave the system unless useful work is performed.

Similarly under the hood our battery or accumulator ranges in size from a hand crank relying upon rotational inertia to proceed our ignition sequence to a small battery right up to replacing or more accurately moving our engine off-site. Any case, an engine is required somewhere in the equation - being a small and efficient extractor of fossil fuel or a large and inefficient cargo ship engine.

And an engine requires a spark, which may as well be harvested in the maximum of its utility while we are at it.

But what about steam? As we have learned from Nikola Tesla, and ienergysupply on YouTube, steam can be harvested in traditional hot-only steam, but adding also cold steam to the equation permits maximum efficiency.

When cylinders are charged quickly, they become very hot. This heat should not be wasted. Our cylinder is most efficient while it is still hot from recent or perhaps better continuously re-charged and resultantly just as hot.

That’s right, we can achieve our heat using our smaller engine as a heat pump.

Converse to cylinders being charged quickly heating, cylinders which are discharged quickly produce cold. Permitting a vacuum to perpetually exist downstream the more. Notwithstanding, by permitting our cold and hot to combine downstream of our work we achieve a contrivance of this lack of vacuum.

Cylinder hot is harvested by Tesla turbine, Cylinder cold is also harvested by Tesla turbine, our hot is incentivized to find cold by way of optimizing our piping configuration with goal of providing another cylinder for vacuum if budget permits and so that more efficiency could be achieved.

So, we have our small engine, which pumps heat and pressure into our cylinder, which pumps through our Tesla turbine into our vacuum, which pump through another Tesla turbine into atmosphere. By stacking Tesla turbine, we achieve 3 hot and 3 cold Tesla turbines operating together. Six phase + DC motor to drive inertia and provide a stable DC supply to our accessories.

Tesla Turbines

Now, just as Tesla Turbine motor(s) can be stacked and combined electrically to make six phase, so too can our pressure vessels. Each pressure vessel achieves the differential in pressure between our hotter and more pressurized upstream cylinder and our colder and more vacuum downstream.

Think now in terms of relative pressure and temperature. By adding a third cylinder to the mix, the vast difference between what could be defined as vacuum beside environment becomes comparably similar when examining vacuum of vacuum beside vacuum. We’ve already stepped down to vacuum, now we are ready to step down to vacuum of vacuum, in relative terms.

We are now limited by the strength of our cylinder to survive vacuum of vacuum beside vacuum. If cylinder strength can safely be improved to comparable to vacuum beside environment, we can stack systems of cylinders as many times as safety and budget allows.

Each new system of cylinders could have its own small engine attached to it, permitting increased horsepower of the whole as well as redundancy of pressure vessel, magneto, and engine. A simple pressure release valve at each cylinder permits continuous and minimally belabored operation of the other cylinders, Tesla turbines, engines, and spark gaps as permitted by an independent motor for each Tesla turbine.

So we have motor pumping heat and pressure into cylinder 1 which is driving our first Tesla turbine which is expelled to cylinder 2 which itself is pumped by another engine (optional) downstream onto a third (optional) cylinder to achieve double vacuum.

Jeremiah had hot tank, valve, inline motor, Tesla turbine, cold tank. He is not recharging hot tank, and he is not recharging cold tank. By continuously charging hot tank, we move our motor to upstream of the hot tank. Now hot tank is continuously hot. We need to add a tesla turbine powered by electricity operating downstream of cold tank to create continuous vacuum. By adjusting our valve with a solenoid we can temporally increase or decrease the power going to the Tesla turbine on the fly.

And by adding a third tank to make more cold and vacuum we can further increase the potential of the system. But we don’t need to since the system is already quite efficient. More on this, perhaps, later on…

Can you HEAR the air which sounds sort of like a frequency? It is a frequency. Electricity and Tesla Turbines go hand-in-hand.

Naturally, the connection between tesla turbines can be a tube. Tubes can hold and transport liquids and gases quite nicely…

So you can see that friction is naturally produced when our heat and pressure accumulator is connected more-or-less inline with our vacuum. This is a clue that this thing wants to produce ample electricity in addition to the obvious rotational energy of attaching a Telsa Turbine inline between the two vessels.

(first 1:50 seconds - HHO) Though HHO is not necessary for our system, it is tantalizing for me to discuss, forgive me if I detract from an easier to work model at the risk of improving or confusing, with equal likelihood? Thank you.

So long as heat and pressure is continuously returned to the accumulator and pulled from the vacuum you have a way to keep the system going - perhaps visa-vi combined output HHO electrolysis? You could also continuously pull from vacuum using another Tesla Turbine in order to maintain vacuum on the cold side.

So we have two turbines - one which extracts heat in order to produce rotational energy, another which uses this rotational energy, expressed in the form of AC current, to pump latent heat and pressure back out of cold side. We are not producing energy out of nothing, rather we are rolling one wheel down the hill at the same time we roll another wheel up our proverbial hill… A give and take. And not to mention we are accumulating as much heat / pressure (and cold / vacuum which is ALSO accumulation) as possible which does not go to work back into the system.

So our engines or motors are working a little bit all the time to improve the net potential energy of the system as stored in rotation, pressure, temperature, cold, vacuum, and electric inertia pulled from latent energy, as one Gerard Morin described. Thanks to our spark plug connecting DC to AC, much of the energy in the system is expressed in the latent energy being pumped out of the ether and given permission to conduct or travel in nearly frictionless, nearly-closed-loop fashion. We are not producing energy out of nothing, rather we are rolling one wheel down the hill at the same time we roll another wheel up our proverbial hill… A give and take.

When normally our vacuum pump would be quite belabored, it is balanced by our heat side Tesla Turbine continuously extracting electricity from the system, particularly if we are able to dump our vacuum’s proceeds into the shared upstream of another Tesla Turbine! We have not achieved any violation of the laws of physics, rather we have balanced everything - balanced extraction of heat and pressure with impregnation of heat and pressure, stoichiometrically complete balancing also made possible by our friend HHO. The idea is we are balancing the two with every partial revolution a give and a take results in net zero energy produced, our losses from doing work expressed in a partial loss of stoichiometry in garnishing the necessary HHO and over time we may end up with heavy water.

I’m no chemist, but I suspect the following might help to illustrate where our losses outside of Mu (friction) and work might be found from a similar less-than-perfect reaction of Water and spark… And of course consider that friction when harvest into electricity is not really bad for the health of our system.

We are not producing energy out of nothing, rather we are rolling one wheel down the hill at the same time we roll another wheel up our proverbial hill… A give and take.

By adding spark to high temperature steam or water, we can produce and consume HHO at around the same time. This is a practicable use of small amounts of the explosive HHO. However this may cause rapid corrosion. A solution might be coating our blades with glass or similar non-reactive material. Then again, with high enough heat and temperature you don’t need nearly as much corrosive salt or like to get the job done, in fact you might not need any.

Wireless electrolysis and spontaneous combustion may also be possible as we have a lot of heat, AC current, and rotational influence in the mix. Think really high temperatures and pressures on the one hand, and really low temperatures and pressures on the other.

What were Mr. Meyer’s secrets? 1) Mainstream doesn’t want you to know what he knew (this should be your first clue not to trust mainstream physics either) 2) DC does not produce HHO adequately, it must be pulsed with 20,000 Hz AC. Three phase plays a role.

Ok, I went on my ‘HHO segway,’ thank you for allowing me to do that. Though this is not necessary to obtain our desired result (mo’ power), I couldn’t resist mentioning these tantalizing possibilities.

Now it should also be understood that pressure is relative. 0.01 bar is difficult to achieve if you’re trying to get there from atmosphere, but if you’re already at 0.1 bar with another vessel it’s a bit easier. Conversely, 10,000 PSI is no cake walk to get to from atmosphere, but if we have a vessel already halfway there at say 5,000 PSI you’re halfway there.

Now think of our Tesla Turbine like a corkscrew. We are ramping up temperature and pressure or its corollaries, depending upon direction of travel, with each partial revolution of our Tesla Turbine blades, If you were to still frame would behave like little chambers of temperature and pressure (or the inverse for opposite direction of travel).

And if we consider pulsing our Tesla Turbines with a non-linear pattern, the resulting micro-perturbations take advantage of backpressure in order to perhaps harvest backpressure rather than let it go to waste. This is of course only theoretical.

A word on anti-pressure - it may be possible to step up or step down our pressures and vacuums to an extreme degree. This would permit massive pressures and vacuums to store our net system energy effectively. Now 0.1 bar may have awesome effects on boiling as seen previously, but imagine how much more violent 0.01 bar. By stepping up and stepping down, this violent reaction is controlled and still quite powerful. More on this later on…

^^ NOW, what can a rotating antennae or toroid do which a static antennae or toroid cannot? Well, the signal is going to be crystal clear for much longer distances; and much higher bandwidth rates are now perhaps possible. Not to mention, wireless power separated by larger distances of ground necessitates communication between rapidly rotating rotary inverters - think 90,000 RPM, for example. The static antennae or toroid can only go so far.

The ultra-high RPM permits HF signals to be packed into LF waves shipped for transport across large distances. The ultra-high RPM also permits HF signals to be unpacked from LF waves in much the same way.

Our wave function has to be thought of as being rolled-up and un-rolled on-the-fly by the ultra-high rotation of our rotary inverter. So even though it is expressed and propagated as an LF frequency, when our carpet is rolled up and un-rolled, the details can perhaps be parsed from our lossless analog signal which traditionally carries our data extremely slowly. The LF signal’s coarse signal is nearly useless for data propagation, but it’s the fine signal which the rotary inverter unlocks.

This means we only need perhaps a 100 watt radio when perhaps before we needed 1,000 watts to touch continents. And the more ground-to-ground setups which come online, the more efficient our transfer of energy through earth becomes. Electromagnetic gears.

Our primitive - that being wireless power, is unpacked by the ultra-high RPM rotating inverters. The data, much more detailed signal, is also unpacked one partial revolution at a time. Wireless power, wireless internet, even wireless rotors thanks to active magnet bearings, all packaged into one cylinder. Power, internet, sharing of each, and maximum efficiency.

The quieter we make this device with the help of active magnet bearings, the less interference in our data signal. An ant’s whisper can be only be heard if there is no noise in the house!
