Developing a platform is expensive! Here is a list of items which will help us develop CHG 3.0. If you can help, let us know! We will reward you with CHG Coin! Write to [email protected]
Chest-high Tripod for iPhone 8 Plus
Distributed WISP:
40’ + Aluminum Ship Mast for radio tower, taller the better
Weather Balloon for radio tower
High-Power Radio Transceiver + accessories for internet-over-radio
WISP hardware:
Off-Grid energy:
24V or 48V DC Motor, 8+ HP
12-24V Adjustable Power Supply
4 Channel Oscilloscope
18KW+ rotating inverter
2ZZ-GE Engine 164–180 hp (122–134 kW) (or similar) - it’s all about fuel economy
Windsor 351 Engine (or similar) - it’s all about fuel economy + power
Genetry Solar 12KW Inverters (x3) -
48V Lithium Titanate Batteries, 10KWHR+
Reliable Truck w/ towing capacity
Tractor-Driven PTO Generator -
Nissan Leaf or equivalent
100 gallon + electric water heater
100 gallon + gas water heater
500 gallon propane tank
iEnergySupply Tesla Turbine V1 (x2)
$150/month dedicated hosting Vultr or similar (we are also toying with the idea of offering distributed cloud hosting in the future)
$50/month misc. software