LVM vs. LVM-Thin vs. ZFS vs. RBD Ceph
Differentiate Ceph Pools for SSD and HDD
Extra useful commands to resolve errors presented by Ceph summary page?
ceph osd pool application enable ssdpool rbd
ceph osd pool application enable hddpool rbd
… then navigate to Datacenter->Storage->Add->RBD for each of the two newly created pools to establish our RBD’s which should now be recognized across our cluster.
Now I don’t know if it is procedurally correct, but you can now add a Cephfs for storing ISO’s by clicking a given PVE->Ceph->CephFS->Create CephFS.
You can also navigate to a given PVE->Ceph->Pools->ssdpool->edit-> and reduce size using the toggle from 3 to 2 to increase disk capacity at the expense of redundancy or inversely increase from 3 to 4 to decrease disk capacity at the benefit of redundancy, depending upon your application.
I’ve heard it said that 3 is 99.95% reliable, while 2 is 98.5% reliable, all else equal. And I’ve heard it said that 2 is underrated in non-production environments as you can achieve a level of error correction with only 2 if you have BlueStore which utilizes checksum -
Now then, from personal experience I can tell you that if you only have three nodes and one of them goes down, your containers and VM’s will crawl. So while my data survived a bad memory stick I had, for example, I’m personally going to stick with 3/2 for non-production not only to make sure I don’t lose data but so that my HA (Highly Available) instances run strong even when an entire node goes down.
Starting Over Orphaned CEPH
Wiping an orphaned CEPH Disk:
List Disks (in hard drive’s host shell)
This also provides valuable insights
fdisk -l
Use this to obtain drive path for the following command:
Delete a partition:
Create a new partition:
Now you will be prompted for things like your starting block (probably default enter), ending block (probably default enter), one other thing just follow directions carefully in the text wizard.
Save your work (PERMANENT!!):
Now you can navigate to Disks → Select Disk → Wipe Disk after making sure you’re in the correct node’s control panel. Don’t forget to create something with your new and cleaned partition!
M.2 NVMe - Those fast little guys
List Drives
Use this to obtain what ceph name you need for:
Now you are free to navigate to Disks → select disk → Wipe disk. Don’t forget to do something with your shiny new Drive!
Deleting a Cephfs (Ceph filesystem):
*replace NAME with your Cephfs’s name
You can try if you like to remove, it may be protected both from this command and in the UI (User Interface - the graphical website)…
ceph fs rm NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
… Ergo, you probably need to remove protections:
pveceph stop --service mds.NAME
ceph fs set NAME down true
ceph fs fail NAME
ceph fs set NAME joinable false
ceph fs rm NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
A more sanitized approach (necessary to delete underlying data also):
umount /mnt/pve/NAME
pveceph stop --service mds.NAME
pveceph mds destroy NAME
pveceph fs destroy NAME --remove-storages --remove-pools
If applicable, navigate to Datacenter → Storage → Select the Cephfs → Remove to delete from User Interface (UI)
Now you can navigate to the applicable pools / metadata on the UI-side and delete them if they’re still haunting the UI. If applicable, navigate to NODE → Ceph → Pools → Select the corresponding _data and _metadata → Destroy
Still having problems? Have you tried turning it off and on again?