As the reader may have noticed, we have linked several articles to this one. In so doing, I hope it’s not too much of a stretch for the reader to understand we now expand the context and scope of this article to the many - that of most, if not all, technologies. Most, it not all technologies are converging into the greater wal-mart effect. One vertically integrated open source open application open production model to rule them all.
3D printing farms, from one node to the many, in concept, applied to the whole of production, fabrication, and development - hardware, software, and in-between.
As with any tech, this off-the-shelf explosion will be used for good and for evil. We hope to cooperate with the good fruit and we hope the weight of good fruit pushes the bad fruit to the bottom, all else equal.
All else equal, larger corporations have a greater probability of yielding bad fruit than small mom and pops. How can small mom and pops compete? It may have something to do with cooperation.