Ouroboros Dragon Made of Silicon

The outer limits of serviceability…? An important metric for the edge of practicality at the end of the throw-away era…? And one last desperate gasp when consumers have tapped out imparted by the ouroboros - these corporations and friends growing fat on their own consumption? Exciting frontiers replicating die with film; indy - is it not impossible to see, blinding by the brilliance of the maximum of density - one final nanometer reduced. But for what? Machines which cannot be repaired and which break by touch by design; absurdities… the outer limits of serviceability.

The dragon is hungry, it eats itself full, precious jewels in the excrement of its wasteful path - frontiers, and layers of frontier! Marvels of inefficiencies kept churning by the corporate urge for an itch that can never be scratched - profit, lies, and of course also more greed. Capitalize. Capitalies. Capital Lies.
What is billions of dollars of organized resources and billions of man-hours etched into sand worth? Nothing…


How is negative analog film copied? How about if it’s in color? How about if we must etch and/or ‘x-ray’ in order to see a layer? How many copies of a chip would you need? Ever seen a processor for $0.99? How many copies of a chip would you need to reproduce?

Re-balling flip chips. An art; a science.

Reverse-engineering can be difficult… and rewarding.



Way back when, we were stomping Zero-Point rigs with nar the same budget. Our secret? Fast memory placed in maximum number of channels paired with SLi. SLi and Crossfire were quietly erased from the program, but their significance is poised to make a comeback in retro PC world, where anything is possible.