Ouroboros Dragon Made of Silicon

The outer limits of serviceability…? An important metric for the edge of practicality at the end of the throw-away era…? And one last desperate gasp when consumers have tapped out imparted by the ouroboros - these corporations and friends growing fat on their own consumption? Exciting frontiers replicating die with film; indy - is it not impossible to see, blinding by the brilliance of the maximum of density - one final nanometer reduced. But for what? Machines which cannot be repaired and which break by touch by design; absurdities… the outer limits of serviceability.

The dragon is hungry, it eats itself full, precious jewels in the excrement of its wasteful path - frontiers, and layers of frontier! Marvels of inefficiencies kept churning by the corporate urge for an itch that can never be scratched - profit, lies, and of course also more greed. Capitalize. Capitalies. Capital Lies.
What is billions of dollars of organized resources and billions of man-hours etched into sand worth? Nothing…


How is negative analog film copied? How about if it’s in color? How about if we must etch and/or ‘x-ray’ in order to see a layer? How many copies of a chip would you need? Ever seen a processor for $0.99? How many copies of a chip would you need to reproduce?