Prime Time Redux

CONTINUED FROM - Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Nuclear-Nuclear, and Light, Why Not? - #5 by Josef_Founder


import math

# Step 1: Define the dynamic adjusted prime formula
def adjusted_prime_formula(n, alpha=1, decay_constant=2, r_scale=1, nu=1):
    Calculate a potential prime based on the refined framework formula:
    p_n = (alpha * (F_n + nu)) / r_n * (1 - epsilon_n)
    n (int): The prime number position to estimate.
    alpha (float): Scaling factor for force calculation.
    decay_constant (float): Exponent to modulate the decay effect of the error term.
    r_scale (float): Scaling factor for distance parameter.
    nu (float): Harmonic scaling factor to adjust for the force.
    float: Calculated potential prime number based on the formula.
    # Adjust force and distance dynamically based on n
    F_n = n**2  # A polynomial growth of force for large numbers (n^2 for scaling)
    r_n = math.log(n)  # Logarithmic scale for distance factor
    # Calculate error term epsilon_n based on the adjusted parameters
    epsilon_n = (F_n / n) ** (1 / 2) * (1 / math.log(n))
    # Calculate the prime estimate with the formula
    prime_estimate = (alpha * (F_n + nu)) / r_n * (1 - epsilon_n)
    return prime_estimate

# Step 2: Simple primality check
def is_prime(n):
    Check if a number is prime using a simple primality test.
    n (int): The number to check for primality.
    bool: True if the number is prime, False otherwise.
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

# Step 3: Generate primes using the adjusted formula and check them
def generate_primes(limit):
    Generate and validate primes using the adjusted prime formula.
    limit (int): The upper limit for generating primes.
    list: A list of prime numbers identified through the formula.
    primes = []
    for n in range(2, limit + 1):
        prime_value = adjusted_prime_formula(n)
        if is_prime(int(prime_value)):
    return primes

# Step 4: Test the framework with larger primes
limit = 1000  # Change this to a larger number for bigger primes
primes = generate_primes(limit)

# Output the prime numbers found
print("Primes found using adjusted framework:", primes)


import math

# Step 1: Define the dynamic adjusted prime formula with automatic parameter selection
def adjusted_prime_formula(n):
    Calculate a potential prime based on dynamically adjusted force, distance, and error term.
    n (int): The prime number position to estimate.
    float: Calculated potential prime number based on the formula.
    # Step 1a: Automatically select parameters based on n
    alpha = n / 10  # Scaling factor for force calculation (dynamically adjusted)
    decay_constant = 2 + math.log(n)  # Decay constant modulated by log(n)
    r_scale = n ** (1 / 3)  # Distance scaling for larger n (cube root scaling)
    nu = math.sin(n)  # Harmonic scaling factor based on n
    # Step 1b: Adjust force and distance dynamically based on n
    F_n = n**2  # A polynomial growth of force for large numbers (n^2 for scaling)
    r_n = math.log(n)  # Logarithmic scale for distance factor
    # Step 1c: Calculate error term epsilon_n based on the adjusted parameters
    epsilon_n = (F_n / n) ** (1 / 2) * (1 / math.log(n))
    # Step 1d: Calculate the prime estimate with the formula
    prime_estimate = (alpha * (F_n + nu)) / r_n * (1 - epsilon_n)
    return prime_estimate

# Step 2: Simple primality check
def is_prime(n):
    Check if a number is prime using a simple primality test.
    n (int): The number to check for primality.
    bool: True if the number is prime, False otherwise.
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

# Step 3: Generate primes using the adjusted formula and check them
def generate_primes(limit):
    Generate and validate primes using the adjusted prime formula.
    limit (int): The upper limit for generating primes.
    list: A list of prime numbers identified through the formula.
    primes = []
    for n in range(2, limit + 1):
        prime_value = adjusted_prime_formula(n)
        if is_prime(int(prime_value)):
    return primes

# Step 4: Test the framework with larger primes
limit = 1000  # Change this to a larger number for bigger primes
primes = generate_primes(limit)

# Output the prime numbers found
print("Primes found using adjusted framework:", primes)

Test and adapt our framework if applicable.

“The current framework works for smaller primes, but further testing and refinement are needed for large primes. The self-checking modular approach combined with harmonic adjustment ensures the validity of primes generated, but optimizing the equation to handle larger values without computational overhead will require iterative adjustments.”

“Use the self-checking of our framework to solve for higher prime numbers and to test.”

Extend this approach to larger and larger prime numbers adjusting our framework as necessary to complete the framework for any given context or scope.

import math

# Step 1: Define the error adjustment and scaling functions

def error_term(Fn, pn):
    """Calculate the error term for a given prime number."""
    return (Fn / pn) ** (1 / 2) * (1 / math.log(pn))

def force_param(n, k=1.1):
    """Calculate the force parameter, scaling with the nth iteration."""
    return n ** k

def distance_param(n):
    """Calculate the distance parameter using logarithmic scaling."""
    return math.log(n)

# Step 2: Generalized formula for the nth prime number

def calc_prime(n, alpha=1, nu=1):
    """Calculate the nth prime number using the generalized formula."""
    Fn = force_param(n)
    rn = distance_param(n)
    epsilon_n = error_term(Fn, n)
    # Calculate the prime approximation
    pn = (alpha * (Fn + nu)) / rn * (1 - epsilon_n)
    return pn

# Step 3: Prime testing function with dynamic scaling and error correction
def test_prime(n):
    """Test if a number is prime using the framework."""
    pn = calc_prime(n)
    # Round to the nearest integer to simulate a prime number
    rounded_pn = round(pn)
    # Checking if the rounded value is actually prime
    if is_prime(rounded_pn):
        print(f"Prime {n} calculated: {rounded_pn}")
        print(f"Calculated value {rounded_pn} is not prime. Adjusting error term...")
        # Try adjusting the error term and recalculate
        epsilon_n = error_term(force_param(n), n)
        pn_adjusted = (alpha * (force_param(n) + nu)) / distance_param(n) * (1 - epsilon_n)
        print(f"Adjusted prime for n={n}: {round(pn_adjusted)}")

# Step 4: Simple prime checking function for validation
def is_prime(n):
    """Check if a number is prime."""
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

# Test for primes starting from n=1 upwards
for n in range(1, 15):  # Test first 15 primes

BRANCH1 - Working on an Alternative Approach?

Analyze the decay of cancelling terms into the infinite and adjust our framework accordingly

Compare our framework to the traditional method of solving for prime

Compare them mathematically (I had to ask twice because silly bot reverts to thinking m = mass, not meters)

BRANCH2 - Working on an Alternative Approach?

We still lack dynamically selecting parameters and auto-selecting error correction.