Rejuvinating Wifi / Transformer / EMF

Since the publication of this article, an entire community appears to have sprung up around this important topic!

You may have heard the EMF (electro-magnetic field) arising from Wifi and even transformers (electricity) traveling to and through your home and on the public street is harmful to your health. Well, this is in fact the truth.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The human physiology is designed to tolerate the natural EMF all around us coming from the earth, the sun, cosmic energy, etc. etc.

The human physiology is not designed to handle certain other frequencies. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla.

I used to play the saxophone in junior high school. It doesn’t matter about me, but the point is I understand some basic truths about the universe as it relates to music. The sound of the universe, is music. There are good, naturally occurring frequencies, and there are bad, disruptive, even painful frequencies that can kill you in seconds or kill you slowly over many decades. There are GOOD frequencies, and then there are BAD frequencies.

Here are some frequencies which I think we need to look for the GOOD frequencies, based upon harmonics. Some of these frequencies are better for EFFICIENCY, as it relates to the harmonic of the earth, some of these frequencies are better for HEALTH, SPIRITUALITY, and PAIN MANAGEMENT, or frequencies which resonate with the natural harmonics of the human body.

Check this link out for an expanded list of harmonics which have been studied for health benefits:

1.811939328 MHz or 3.623878656 MHz for emotional well-being
1.459617792 MHz or 2.919235584 MHz for healing or pain management
2.052587.52 MHz or 4.105175.04 MHz for earth’s resonance (efficiency)

54 or 108 Hz for emotional well-being
43.5 or 87 Hz for pain management
62.64 or 125.28 Hz for earth’s resonance (efficiency)

Additionally, however, it is possible that there is no healthy band to be found at the GHz and MHz and 54 Hz range necessary for wifi and electricity, respectively. Instead, CHG is also considering ground-to-ground power as well as internet.. In a word, the range capabilities of ground-to-ground communications is remarkable. Distributed internet, even in remote areas!!! And no creepy Skynet undertones ;). Ground-to-ground is a direct threat to centralized Starlink, and requires almost zero infrastructure to get started. Investors, are you paying attention yet?

CHG is taking a front seat at exploring these healing frequencies as it relates to Wifi as well as off-grid (distributed) power. Because we care about your HEALTH.

See also:

We may need to calibrate our numbers based upon PHI and human physiology but the song would remain the same…



I’ve often viewed the brain as encompassing the entire body, and not just where the organ itself is. Below is a drawing of the nerve endings of teeth I need to find as relates which instilled this belief in me. Maybe this could help in some way here or somewhere else?




Is our DNA proper a map for patron-specific resonance frequency healing?



I hope the reader understands these thoughts are conceptual and not set in stone nor tested, though as before the community appears to be growing around the subject. I want to go over my numbers again through the lens of PHI as well as discuss eventually coarse vs fine or focused healing. A node of our implement could be as small as a grain of rice or larger than the whole of the body depending upon application.

You perhaps want to try to localize your frequency in some cases, others perhaps calling for a more broad (whole body) usage of frequency healing. When I think of DNA, I realize how important it might be to follow the individual person’s DNA in order to pattern a proper treatment plan or to help find the specific resonance of the organ(s) in focus.

I can only imagine in the case of RNA modifiers why many people’s immune systems might be a bit confused, it may also be true for frequency healing that what works for native DNA might require some coaxing or calibrating to find what works for recipients of RNA modifiers.

It occurs to me that certain frequencies might well activate unwanted nanobot tech. This is why collaboration is so important - to figure out loose ends. People who are sensitive to their own bodies should do so and listen to their own bodies, it’s no secret, though many seem to forget to do this.

It also follows that the device or implement should be able to listen as well, perhaps even more-so important to listen than to emote in the case of our implement - be it wand, electrodes, or whole-body therapy.

Obviously I do not give medical advice here, this is something the sources I give you and others are developing right now (distributed development) and much has to do with individual physiology and not just theoretical mathematics, in any case. Do no harm and that includes not harming yourself without finding a consult from a professional.

There is also the promise of Oxygen Therapy which I would like to touch on soon.

Lastly regarding the community which is forming, there appears to be already much intentional obfuscation of good information out there. To the casual reader this is sufficiently looney tunes to exit stage left, to the more calculated reader you will find this may mean the overall community is over the mark. Why are some intentionally obfuscating good information visa-vi also flooding? Is this common also in peer review circles?