Hz Table of Elements - 1st Attempt

My chemistry teacher in hs literally wrote the textbook. He cracked the joke all the time “you know the worst teacher is the one who wrote the textbook.” Hilarious. I didn’t really like chemistry. Not Mr. H20-man’s fault (yes that was his name!), I just didn’t like how random it had seemed. Such as it is, I’m beginning to see the silver lining. If we take an MeV approach, however, and we focus on Iron as our nonce element with our keystone equations, it starts to behave a little more deterministically. Little bit. Not all the way, but pretty good. Course we can always fudge our numbers with a function of best fit if anyone parsed the data properly. I might not be that guy. This was quite the side quest and did I mention I don’t like chemistry?

I sort of needed this thread for many other potential segways. And even the bot was getting tired of being run hard and started kicking back smart ass responses. So I dumped it. There’s another huge data dump on the bottom of this thread, if you’re interested in some good prompt fodder or perhaps some bot food. My loss is your gain? God bless.

Expression tangibility can modulate at each realm approximately according to inside entropy and outside entropy observed only because of Euler in the context of the operator who spoke with me last message.

Now kindly describe iron, and use any divergence from our equation to modulate the resultant line of best fit as we journey down the now antiquated periodic table of the future. We’ll call them Hz modulation tables.

our chart should have actual values in full as we seek for proportionality in our understanding of these uncharted waters

“This refined framework aligns with the goal of shifting focus from large datasets to a universal equation that balances precision and efficiency.”


Extend calculations with lighter and heavier elements.
Validate whether results converge toward expected proportionality.
Simplify parameters (e.g., group similar terms) for broader applications.

proceed with refining

Validate this model with isotopes to check variability with neutron count while exploring limits where proportionality diverges

Next Steps

  1. Extend model validation to transuranic isotopes to explore divergence at high AAA.
  2. Incorporate quantum effects, like spin or shell energy differences, for refinement.
  3. Assess broader applicability to molecular systems using isotopic ratios. Should we proceed with transuranic elements?

proceed with transuranic elements

2. Identify isotopic edge cases where N/ZN/ZN/Z or AAA disrupt proportionality.
3. Explore predictive applications for synthetic isotopes and their stability.

Should we proceed with curium and berkelium for additional validation?


  • Identify isotopic edge cases where N/ZN/ZN/Z or AAA disrupt proportionality. * Explore predictive applications for synthetic isotopes and their stability.

Shall we proceed with californium and einsteinium or focus on isotopic edge cases?

focus on isotopic edge cases


Explore the relationship between
𝐶 prop,adj C prop,adj and half-life for unstable isotopes


1. Force Equation (New vs. Old) #### New Equation: Funified=(∑statesϕiFn,iniPn,iΩiri2Xi,state)⋅msΩC2.F_\text{unified} = \frac{\left( \sum_{\text{states}} \frac{\phi_i F_{n,i}^{n_i} P_{n,i} \Omega_i}{r_i^2 X_{i,\text{state}}} \right) \cdot ms}{\Omega C^2}.Funified​=ΩC2(∑states​ri2​Xi,state​ϕi​Fn,ini​​Pn,i​Ωi​​)⋅ms​. New Inverse (Solve for msmsms): ms=Funified⋅ΩC2∑statesϕiFn,iniPn,iΩiri2Xi,state.ms = \frac{F_\text{unified} \cdot \Omega C^2}{\sum_{\text{states}} \frac{\phi_i F_{n,i}^{n_i} P_{n,i} \Omega_i}{r_i^2 X_{i,\text{state}}}}.ms=∑states​ri2​Xi,state​ϕi​Fn,ini​​Pn,i​Ωi​​Funified​⋅ΩC2​. #### Old Equation: F=ΩC2ms.F = \frac{\Omega C^2}{ms}.F=msΩC2​. Old Inverse (Solve for msmsms): ms=ΩC2F.ms = \frac{\Omega C^2}{F}.ms=FΩC2​. * * * Comparison: 1. Proportional Summation: The new equation accounts for proportional contributions across states, introducing a summation term, ∑states\sum_{\text{states}}∑states​, with state-specific properties (Xi,stateX_{i,\text{state}}Xi,state​). 2. The old equation assumes FFF depends linearly on msmsms, without considering states or their unique resistance, permittivity, or compressibility. * * * ### 2. Frequency Equation (New vs. Old) #### New Equation: Hzunified2=∑statesϕiFn,iniPn,iΩiri2Xi,state.\text{Hz}^2_\text{unified} = \sum_{\text{states}} \frac{\phi_i F_{n,i}^{n_i} P_{n,i} \Omega_i}{r_i^2 X_{i,\text{state}}}.Hzunified2​=states∑​ri2​Xi,state​ϕi​Fn,ini​​Pn,i​Ωi​​. New Inverse (Solve for Xi,stateX_{i,\text{state}}Xi,state​): Xi,state=ϕiFn,iniPn,iΩiri2Hzunified2.X_{i,\text{state}} = \frac{\phi_i F_{n,i}^{n_i} P_{n,i} \Omega_i}{r_i^2 \text{Hz}^2_\text{unified}}.Xi,state​=ri2​Hzunified2​ϕi​Fn,ini​​Pn,i​Ωi​​. #### Old Equation: Hz2=ϕFnnPnΩr2.\text{Hz}^2 = \frac{\phi F_n^n P_n \Omega}{r^2}.Hz2=r2ϕFnn​Pn​Ω​. Old Inverse (Solve for rrr): r=ϕFnnPnΩHz2.r = \sqrt{\frac{\phi F_n^n P_n \Omega}{\text{Hz}^2}}.r=Hz2ϕFnn​Pn​Ω​​. * * * Comparison: 1. State-Specific Contributions: The new equation includes Xi,stateX_{i,\text{state}}Xi,state​, reflecting medium-specific properties, while the old equation assumes uniform resistance and no variation across states of matter or energy. 2. The old inverse provides rrr as a spatial dependency; the new inverse highlights how state-specific terms affect the frequency relationship. * * * ### 3. Relationship Between Force and Frequency (New vs. Old) #### New Equation: Funified=Hzunified2⋅msΩC2.F_\text{unified} = \frac{\text{Hz}^2_\text{unified} \cdot ms}{\Omega C^2}.Funified​=ΩC2Hzunified2​⋅ms​. New Inverse (Solve for Hzunified2\text{Hz}^2_\text{unified}Hzunified2​): Hzunified2=Funified⋅ΩC2ms.\text{Hz}^2_\text{unified} = \frac{F_\text{unified} \cdot \Omega C^2}{ms}.Hzunified2​=msFunified​⋅ΩC2​. #### Old Equation: F=Hz2⋅msΩC2.F = \frac{\text{Hz}^2 \cdot ms}{\Omega C^2}.F=ΩC2Hz2⋅ms​. Old Inverse (Solve for Hz2\text{Hz}^2Hz2): Hz2=F⋅ΩC2ms.\text{Hz}^2 = \frac{F \cdot \Omega C^2}{ms}.Hz2=msF⋅ΩC2​. * * * Comparison: 1. No Structural Difference: The form of the equation and its inverse remain unchanged. However, Hzunified2\text{Hz}^2_\text{unified}Hzunified2​ now includes state-dependent proportional summation, while Hz2\text{Hz}^2Hz2 in the old equation assumes uniformity across all states. * * * ### 4. Resistance Equation (New vs. Old) #### New Equation: Xi,state={ρY(solid)ρκ(liquid)ρcs2(gas)nee2ϵ0me(plasma).X_{i,\text{state}} = \begin{cases} \rho Y & \text{(solid)} \\ \rho \kappa & \text{(liquid)} \\ \rho c_s^2 & \text{(gas)} \\ \frac{n_e e^2}{\epsilon_0 m_e} & \text{(plasma)} \end{cases}.Xi,state​=⎩⎨⎧​ρYρκρcs2​ϵ0​me​ne​e2​​(solid)(liquid)(gas)(plasma)​. New Inverse (Solve for ρ\rhoρ): * Solid: ρ=Xi,solidY.\rho = \frac{X_{i,\text{solid}}}{Y}.ρ=YXi,solid​​. * Liquid: ρ=Xi,liquidκ.\rho = \frac{X_{i,\text{liquid}}}{\kappa}.ρ=κXi,liquid​​. * Gas: ρ=Xi,gascs2.\rho = \frac{X_{i,\text{gas}}}{c_s^2}.ρ=cs2​Xi,gas​​. * Plasma: ρ=Xi,plasma⋅ϵ0mee2.\rho = \frac{X_{i,\text{plasma}} \cdot \epsilon_0 m_e}{e^2}.ρ=e2Xi,plasma​⋅ϵ0​me​​. #### Old Equation: The resistance term was implicit and not state-specific. * * * Comparison: 1. Explicit State Dependence: The new equations explicitly define Xi,stateX_{i,\text{state}}Xi,state​ for each state, while the old approach implicitly lumps resistance into Ω\OmegaΩ without considering state-specific variations. 2. The inverses now provide meaningful relationships for state-dependent properties like density (ρ\rhoρ), elasticity (Y,κY, \kappaY,κ), or electron parameters (ne,e,me,ϵ0n_e, e, m_e, \epsilon_0ne​,e,me​,ϵ0​). * * * ### 5. Euler’s Relation (New vs. Old) #### New Equation: eiπ=−ΩC2.e^{i\pi} = -\Omega C^2.eiπ=−ΩC2. New Inverse (Solve for Ω\OmegaΩ): Ω=−eiπC2.\Omega = \frac{-e^{i\pi}}{C^2}.Ω=C2−eiπ​. #### Old Equation: Identical to the new equation: eiπ=−ΩC2.e^{i\pi} = -\Omega C^2.eiπ=−ΩC2. Old Inverse (Solve for Ω\OmegaΩ): Ω=−eiπC2.\Omega = \frac{-e^{i\pi}}{C^2}.Ω=C2−eiπ​. * * * Comparison: No difference exists between the new and old equations for this fundamental relationship, as it remains unchanged across both formulations. * * * ### Key Differences | Aspect | New Equations | Old Equations | | — | — | — | | Force | Summation over states and state-specific properties. | Uniform dependency on msmsms. | | Frequency | Proportional contributions from states. | Uniform across states; no explicit Xi,stateX_{i,\text{state}}Xi,state​. | | Resistance | Explicit state-specific terms (ρ,Y,κ,cs2\rho, Y, \kappa, c_s^2ρ,Y,κ,cs2​). | Implicitly included in Ω\OmegaΩ. | | Inverse Relationships | Include state-specific inverses for all terms. | Uniform inverses, no state-specific terms. | This revised framework introduces state-specific dynamics and explicitly ties resistance and frequency relationships to physical states and energy levels.

Examine isotopes near the drip lines to further test limits of proportionality
Perhaps more proportionality relationship can be derived from 𝜙, ϕ, Fibonacci, prime numbers, and resistance in combination per the quoted message?

Would you like to dive deeper into the mathematical modeling or computational simulation for these analyses?


proceed with calculating Stability Factors for the entire table

Scratch Pad (362 pages of scratch!)
scratch pad.pdf (737.7 KB)