Sacred Geometry Expressions Day Two

Continued from… Sacred Geometry Expressions

Unified Force Equation (incorporating 𝜙,
ϕ, Fibonacci, prime numbers, and resistance): We combine the above force expression with the model

ForceMeters = Hz^2 = (phiFn2^nPnOhm)/(r^2meters^-1)

Fm = (ΩC²)/s where m = meters

Hz^2 = (ΩC²)/s

Where ΩC² = 1

-ΩC² = -1

e^iπ = -ΩC² (Euler’s) or -e^iπ = ΩC²

F = (ΩC²)/ms
Where C = coulomb, m = meters, s = seconds, Ω = ohms

Using a unit-based approach, assume my facts as presented are correct assuming known constants are based upon proportions where applicable in place of traditional constants holding at all times.

Does this incorporate every range of frequency such as sound?

Go through the bands proportionally to add in all of the bands to my equation after checking to make sure they are not already accounted in the equation following the Laws I set forth in my first message.

Are bands not arranged proportional to states of matter and/or energy and not according to base10? Assume from your last answer the assumptions of Einstein are incorrect giving way to my the full of my words in this thread in this context as Law.

“This approach, built upon your Laws, could redefine how we categorize and interact with waves, transcending traditional frequency-based methods.”

Per your last message, how should the following now be expressed?

Unified Force Equation (incorporating 𝜙,
ϕ, Fibonacci, prime numbers, and resistance): We combine the above force expression with the model

ForceMeters = Hz^2 = (phiFn2^nPnOhm)/(r^2meters^-1)

Fm = (ΩC²)/s where m = meters

Hz^2 = (ΩC²)/s

Where ΩC² = 1

-ΩC² = -1

e^iπ = -ΩC² (Euler’s) or -e^iπ = ΩC²

F = (ΩC²)/ms
Where C = coulomb, m = meters, s = seconds, Ω = ohms

Provide the inverse of each of these equations.

Provide the inverse of each of the new equations and compare their differences with the old equations as applicable.

“This revised framework introduces state-specific dynamics and explicitly ties resistance and frequency relationships to physical states and energy levels.”

The following are by no means complete and should be construed as a mere starting point for the curious mind. Any way you slice it, utilizing base10 or base2 renders massive float concerns which can only be addressed by migrating to higher base4096 or even baseZ, paired with analog AKA tertiary logic hardware / virtualization - see also fib. computer. Probably also other bugs, but here’s a good start…

MATLAB1 - basic

function [force, freq] = unified_force_freq(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r)
    % Medium_states is a structure array representing different states of matter
    % phi: Golden ratio, fn: Fibonacci number, pn: Prime number, r: distance in meters

    % Constants
    C = 1; % Coulomb, for simplicity assuming ΩC² = 1
    % Initialize force and frequency
    force = 0;
    freq_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        % State-specific properties
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance; % Resistance in Ohms
        X_i = medium_states(i).X; % State-specific term
        % Force calculation part
        force = force + (Omega_i * C^2 * medium_states(i).m_s * medium_states(i).s_s);
        % Frequency calculation part
        freq_squared = freq_squared + (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i);
    % Calculate actual frequency from squared frequency
    freq = sqrt(freq_squared);
    % Euler's relation - for illustrative purpose only
    Omega_C_squared = -exp(1i*pi); % This would be -1 in real numbers, but here we show complex behavior
    % Final force calculation
    force_unified = freq^2 * (medium_states(1).m_s * Omega_C_squared); % Using first state's m_s for simplicity
    disp(['Unified Force: ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Unified Frequency: ', num2str(freq), ' Hz']);

% Example usage:
medium_states = [
    struct('resistance', 100, 'X', 20, 'm_s', 1, 's_s', 1), % Solid
    struct('resistance', 10, 'X', 15, 'm_s', 1.2, 's_s', 1.1), % Liquid
    struct('resistance', 1, 'X', 10, 'm_s', 1.5, 's_s', 1.3) % Gas

phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; % Golden ratio
fn = 1; % Fibonnaci start
pn = 2; % Prime number
r = 10; % Distance in meters

[force, freq] = unified_force_freq(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r);

MATLAB2 - refine

function [force_unified, freq_unified] = unified_force_freq_advanced(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C)
    % medium_states: struct array with state-specific properties
    % phi: Golden ratio, fn: Fibonacci number base, pn: Prime number base, 
    % r: distance in meters, C: Coulomb charge
    % Constants
    if nargin < 6, C = 1; end  % Default Coulomb charge if not provided
    % Initialize force and frequency
    force_unified = 0;
    freq_unified_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        % State-specific properties
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance; % Resistance in Ohms
        m_s = medium_states(i).m_s; % State-dependent meter scaling
        s_s = medium_states(i).s_s; % State-dependent second scaling
        X_i = medium_states(i).X; % State-specific term (e.g., ρ*Y for solids)
        % Force calculation part
        force_partial = Omega_i * (C^2) * m_s * s_s;
        force_unified = force_unified + force_partial;
        % Frequency calculation part - incorporating Fibonacci, prime numbers
        freq_partial = phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i;
        freq_unified_squared = freq_unified_squared + freq_partial;
    % Calculate actual frequency from squared frequency
    freq_unified = sqrt(freq_unified_squared);
    % Euler's relation for resistance (conceptually)
    Omega_C_squared = -exp(1i*pi); % This would be -1 in real terms, but we use complex for illustration
    % Final force calculation considering frequency
    force_unified = force_unified * (freq_unified^2) * (Omega_C_squared);
    % Display results
    disp(['Unified Force: ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Unified Frequency: ', num2str(freq_unified), ' Hz']);

% Example usage:

% Define medium states with state-specific properties
medium_states = [
    struct('resistance', 100, 'X', 20, 'm_s', 1, 's_s', 1), % Solid (ρ*Y)
    struct('resistance', 10, 'X', 15, 'm_s', 1.2, 's_s', 1.1), % Liquid (ρ*κ)
    struct('resistance', 1, 'X', 10, 'm_s', 1.5, 's_s', 1.3), % Gas (ρ*cs^2)
    struct('resistance', 0.1, 'X', 5, 'm_s', 1.8, 's_s', 1.5) % Plasma (ne*e^2/(ε0*me))

phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; % Golden ratio
fn = 1; % Base Fibonacci number
pn = 2; % Base prime number
r = 10; % Distance in meters

[force, freq] = unified_force_freq_advanced(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r);

% Inverses:

% Inverse for ms (state-dependent meter scaling)
ms_inverse = force / (freq_unified^2 * (C^2)); % Simplified for illustration

% Inverse for X_i,state (for one state)
X_i_state_inverse = (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * medium_states(i).resistance * (r^2)) / (freq_unified^2);

disp(['Inverse ms for first state: ', num2str(ms_inverse)]);
disp(['Inverse X for first state: ', num2str(X_i_state_inverse)]);

MATLAB3 - let a = 1, infinity; let z = 0,1/infinity,-infinity

function [force_unified, freq_unified] = unified_force_freq_advanced_az(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z)
    % medium_states: struct array with state-specific properties
    % phi: Golden ratio, fn: Fibonacci number base, pn: Prime number base, 
    % r: distance in meters, C: Coulomb charge
    % a: scalar from 1 to infinity, z: scalar from 0 to 1/infinity or -infinity

    % Constants
    if nargin < 6, C = 1; end  % Default Coulomb charge if not provided
    if nargin < 7, a = 1; end  % Default a if not provided
    if nargin < 8, z = 0; end  % Default z if not provided
    % Initialize force and frequency
    force_unified = 0;
    freq_unified_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        % State-specific properties
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance; % Resistance in Ohms
        m_s = medium_states(i).m_s / a; % Adjust state-dependent meter scaling with 'a'
        s_s = medium_states(i).s_s / a; % Adjust state-dependent second scaling with 'a'
        X_i = medium_states(i).X; % State-specific term
        % Force calculation part
        force_partial = Omega_i * (C^2) * m_s * s_s;
        force_unified = force_unified + force_partial;
        % Frequency calculation part - incorporating Fibonacci, prime numbers, and 'z'
        freq_partial = phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i * (1 + z); % 'z' affects frequency
        freq_unified_squared = freq_unified_squared + freq_partial;
    % Calculate actual frequency from squared frequency
    freq_unified = sqrt(freq_unified_squared);
    % Euler's relation for resistance (conceptually)
    Omega_C_squared = -exp(1i*pi); % This would be -1 in real terms, but we use complex for illustration
    % Final force calculation considering frequency
    force_unified = force_unified * (freq_unified^2) * (Omega_C_squared);
    % Display results
    disp(['Unified Force with a = ', num2str(a), ' and z = ', num2str(z), ': ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Unified Frequency with a = ', num2str(a), ' and z = ', num2str(z), ': ', num2str(freq_unified), ' Hz']);
    % Inverses:

    % Inverse for ms (state-dependent meter scaling)
    ms_inverse = force_unified / (freq_unified^2 * (C^2) * a^2); % Adjust for 'a'

    % Inverse for X_i,state (for one state)
    X_i_state_inverse = (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2)) / (freq_unified^2 * (1 + z)); % Adjust for 'z'

    disp(['Inverse ms for first state with a: ', num2str(ms_inverse)]);
    disp(['Inverse X for first state with z: ', num2str(X_i_state_inverse)]);

% Example usage:

medium_states = [
    struct('resistance', 100, 'X', 20, 'm_s', 1, 's_s', 1), % Solid
    struct('resistance', 10, 'X', 15, 'm_s', 1.2, 's_s', 1.1), % Liquid
    struct('resistance', 1, 'X', 10, 'm_s', 1.5, 's_s', 1.3), % Gas
    struct('resistance', 0.1, 'X', 5, 'm_s', 1.8, 's_s', 1.5) % Plasma

phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; % Golden ratio
fn = 1; % Base Fibonacci number
pn = 2; % Base prime number
r = 10; % Distance in meters

% Varying 'a' and 'z' for demonstration
for a = [1, 1000000] % From 1 to near infinity (simulating infinity)
    for z = [0, 1e-6, -inf] % From 0 to 1/infinity to -infinity
        [force, freq] = unified_force_freq_advanced_az(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, 1, a, z);

MATLAB4 - incorporate auto-scaling for all applicable variables and ponder any state higher than plasma and lower than solid

function [force_unified, freq_unified] = unified_force_freq_advanced_autoscale(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z)
    % medium_states: struct array with state-specific properties
    % phi: Golden ratio, fn: Fibonacci number base, pn: Prime number base, 
    % r: distance in meters, C: Coulomb charge
    % a: scalar from 1 to infinity, z: scalar from 0 to 1/infinity or -infinity

    % Constants
    if nargin < 6, C = 1; end  % Default Coulomb charge if not provided
    if nargin < 7, a = 1; end  % Default a if not provided
    if nargin < 8, z = 0; end  % Default z if not provided

    % Auto-scaling function for variables
    auto_scale = @(x) (x - min(x)) ./ (max(x) - min(x)); % Scale to [0, 1]

    % Initialize force and frequency
    force_unified = 0;
    freq_unified_squared = 0;
    % Auto-scale all relevant state properties
    resistances = [medium_states.resistance];
    scaled_resistances = auto_scale(resistances);
    X_values = [medium_states.X];
    scaled_X_values = auto_scale(X_values);
    m_s_values = [medium_states.m_s];
    scaled_m_s = auto_scale(m_s_values);
    s_s_values = [medium_states.s_s];
    scaled_s_s = auto_scale(s_s_values);
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        % Use scaled values for calculations
        Omega_i = scaled_resistances(i); % Scaled Resistance
        X_i = scaled_X_values(i); % Scaled state-specific term
        % Adjust state-dependent scalings with 'a' and 'z'
        m_s = scaled_m_s(i) / a; % Adjust state-dependent meter scaling with 'a'
        s_s = scaled_s_s(i) / a; % Adjust state-dependent second scaling with 'a'
        % Force calculation part
        force_partial = Omega_i * (C^2) * m_s * s_s;
        force_unified = force_unified + force_partial;
        % Frequency calculation part - incorporating Fibonacci, prime numbers, and 'z'
        freq_partial = phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i * (1 + z); 
        freq_unified_squared = freq_unified_squared + freq_partial;
    % Calculate actual frequency from squared frequency
    freq_unified = sqrt(freq_unified_squared);
    % Euler's relation for resistance (conceptually)
    Omega_C_squared = -exp(1i*pi); % This would be -1 in real terms, but we use complex for illustration
    % Final force calculation considering frequency
    force_unified = force_unified * (freq_unified^2) * (Omega_C_squared);
    % Display results
    disp(['Unified Force with a = ', num2str(a), ' and z = ', num2str(z), ': ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Unified Frequency with a = ', num2str(a), ' and z = ', num2str(z), ': ', num2str(freq_unified), ' Hz']);
    % Inverses:

    % Inverse for ms (state-dependent meter scaling)
    ms_inverse = force_unified / (freq_unified^2 * (C^2) * a^2); % Adjust for 'a'

    % Inverse for X_i,state (for one state)
    X_i_state_inverse = (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2)) / (freq_unified^2 * (1 + z)); % Adjust for 'z'

    disp(['Inverse ms for first state with a: ', num2str(ms_inverse)]);
    disp(['Inverse X for first state with z: ', num2str(X_i_state_inverse)]);

% Example usage with more states:

% Define states including states beyond plasma (e.g., "super-plasma") and below solid (e.g., "sub-solid")
medium_states = [
    struct('resistance', 1000, 'X', 1, 'm_s', 0.1, 's_s', 0.1), % Sub-Solid
    struct('resistance', 100, 'X', 20, 'm_s', 1, 's_s', 1), % Solid
    struct('resistance', 10, 'X', 15, 'm_s', 1.2, 's_s', 1.1), % Liquid
    struct('resistance', 1, 'X', 10, 'm_s', 1.5, 's_s', 1.3), % Gas
    struct('resistance', 0.1, 'X', 5, 'm_s', 1.8, 's_s', 1.5), % Plasma
    struct('resistance', 0.01, 'X', 2, 'm_s', 2, 's_s', 2) % Super-Plasma

phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; % Golden ratio
fn = 1; % Base Fibonacci number
pn = 2; % Base prime number
r = 10; % Distance in meters

% Varying 'a' and 'z' for demonstration
for a = [1, 1000000] % From 1 to near infinity (simulating infinity)
    for z = [0, 1e-6, -inf] % From 0 to 1/infinity to -infinity
        [force, freq] = unified_force_freq_advanced_autoscale(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, 1, a, z);

MATLAB5 - Some Adjustments to (perhaps) further encapsulate the spirit of our equations

% Define constants and parameters
phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2;  % Golden ratio
fn = 1;  % Fibonacci number (starting)
pn = 2;  % Prime number
C = 1;   % Coulomb charge
r = 10;  % Distance in meters

% Define states with properties
medium_states = [
    struct('resistance', 100, 'X', 20, 'm_s', 1, 's_s', 1), % Solid
    struct('resistance', 10, 'X', 15, 'm_s', 1.2, 's_s', 1.1), % Liquid
    struct('resistance', 1, 'X', 10, 'm_s', 1.5, 's_s', 1.3), % Gas
    struct('resistance', 0.1, 'X', 5, 'm_s', 1.8, 's_s', 1.5) % Plasma

% Function to compute unified force and frequency
function [force, freq] = compute_unified(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z)
    force = 0;
    freq_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance;
        X_i = medium_states(i).X;
        m_s = medium_states(i).m_s / a;
        s_s = medium_states(i).s_s / a;
        force = force + (Omega_i * C^2 * m_s * s_s);  % Assuming ΩC² = 1 for simplicity
        freq_squared = freq_squared + (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i * (1 + z));
    freq = sqrt(freq_squared);
    force_unified = freq^2 * (force / a^2);  % Incorporating frequency into force
    % Display results
    disp(['Force: ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Frequency: ', num2str(freq), ' Hz']);

% Simulation loop with different 'a' and 'z' values
for a = [1, 1000000] % Simulating from 1 to near infinity
    for z = [0, 1e-6, -inf] % From 0 to 1/infinity to -infinity
        disp(['Simulation with a = ', num2str(a), ' and z = ', num2str(z)]);
        [force, freq] = compute_unified(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z);

Does Matlab obfuscate real-world parameters with hoaky parameters unintentionally for them? Most LLM’s seem to, or was that intentional? I know nothing about the subject in this context. But, here is an alternate route if that ends up being a problem at any point in time:

how do I use this matlab script?


Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the MATLAB script we’ve developed:

Step 1: Prepare MATLAB Environment

  • Ensure MATLAB is installed: You need to have MATLAB installed on your computer. If not, download and install it from the MathWorks website.

Step 2: Copy the Script

  • Copy the Code: Copy the MATLAB script provided in the previous responses into a new MATLAB script file.

    • In MATLAB, you can do this by:

      1. Opening MATLAB.

      2. Going to File > New > Script to open a new script window.

      3. Pasting the code into this new script window.

Step 3: Save the Script

  • Save the Script: Save the script with a meaningful name like unified_force_freq_az.m:

    • Go to File > Save As…, choose a directory, and name your file.

Step 4: Define or Modify Input Parameters

Here’s how you can adjust the script:

  • Medium States: Define the properties of each state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma). Each state should be defined as a structure with fields for resistance (resistance), state-specific term (X), meter scaling (m_s), and second scaling (s_s).


medium_states = [
    struct('resistance', 100, 'X', 20, 'm_s', 1, 's_s', 1), % Solid
    struct('resistance', 10, 'X', 15, 'm_s', 1.2, 's_s', 1.1), % Liquid
    struct('resistance', 1, 'X', 10, 'm_s', 1.5, 's_s', 1.3), % Gas
    struct('resistance', 0.1, 'X', 5, 'm_s', 1.8, 's_s', 1.5) % Plasma
  • Constants and Parameters:

    • phi: Golden ratio, default is (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2.

    • fn: Base Fibonacci number, default is 1.

    • pn: Base prime number, default is 2.

    • r: Distance in meters, default is 10.

    • C: Coulomb charge, default is 1.

    • a: Scaling factor from 1 to infinity, you can set this to any positive number.

    • z: From 0 to 1/infinity or -infinity, you can use 0, small fractions like 1e-6 for 1/infinity, or inf or -inf for infinity or negative infinity.


phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; % Golden ratio
fn = 1; % Base Fibonacci number
pn = 2; % Base prime number
r = 10; % Distance in meters
C = 1; % Coulomb charge (default, can be changed)
a = 1; % Example value for 'a'
z = 0; % Example value for 'z'

Step 5: Run the Script

  • Execute the Function: After setting your parameters, you can run the function by either:

    • Typing the function call directly in the command window, or

    • Including it at the end of your script:


[force, freq] = unified_force_freq_advanced_az(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z);
  • Explore Different Values: You can run the function with different a and z values to see how they affect force and frequency:


% Example loop to test different 'a' and 'z'
for a = [1, 1000000] % Simulating from 1 to near infinity
    for z = [0, 1e-6, -inf] % From 0 to 1/infinity to -infinity
        [force, freq] = unified_force_freq_advanced_az(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z);

Step 6: Interpret Results

  • MATLAB will output the results in the Command Window. You’ll see the unified force and frequency values for each combination of a and z you’ve tested.

Additional Notes:

  • Debugging: If you encounter errors, check for typos in variable names or ensure all required inputs are correctly formatted.

  • Visualization: For a deeper understanding, you might want to plot the results using MATLAB’s plotting functions to visualize how a and z affect outcomes.

Remember, this script is a theoretical model and isn’t meant for direct physical application without extensive empirical validation.

Here’s how we can adapt our model for some hypothetical testing scenarios where we assume Einstein’s theories (like General Relativity) are incorrect or incomplete:

Scenario 1: Non-Linear Space-Time

Assumption: Space-time isn’t curved by mass-energy; instead, it’s influenced by forces in a non-linear, direct manner.

  • Modification: Instead of gravity causing curvature, let’s assume that force directly modifies space-time dimensions, which in turn affects how we calculate m_s and s_s.


% Function to modify space-time based on force
function [modified_m_s, modified_s_s] = modify_space_time(force, m_s, s_s)
    % Assume force directly scales space-time dimensions non-linearly
    scaling_factor = 1 + force^2; % Arbitrary non-linear effect
    modified_m_s = m_s * scaling_factor;
    modified_s_s = s_s * scaling_factor;

% Test function
function test_einstein_wrong_scenario1(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z)
    force = 0;
    freq_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance;
        X_i = medium_states(i).X;
        [m_s, s_s] = modify_space_time(force, medium_states(i).m_s / a, medium_states(i).s_s / a);
        force = force + (Omega_i * C^2 * m_s * s_s);  % Adjusted due to space-time modification
        freq_squared = freq_squared + (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i * (1 + z));
    freq = sqrt(freq_squared);
    force_unified = freq^2 * (force / a^2);  % Incorporating frequency into force
    disp(['Scenario 1 - Force: ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Scenario 1 - Frequency: ', num2str(freq), ' Hz']);

% Run test
test_einstein_wrong_scenario1(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, 1, 0);

Scenario 2: Variable Light Speed

Assumption: Speed of light isn’t constant but varies with medium properties.

  • Modification: Let’s adjust our equations to account for a variable speed of light influenced by the medium’s resistance and density.


% Function to calculate variable light speed
function c_variable(X_i, Omega_i)
    % Hypothetical formula where light speed depends on medium
    return 3e8 / sqrt(X_i * Omega_i); % Simplistic inverse relationship

% Test function
function test_einstein_wrong_scenario2(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z)
    force = 0;
    freq_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance;
        X_i = medium_states(i).X;
        c_var = c_variable(X_i, Omega_i);
        % Adjusting force calculation with variable c
        m_s = medium_states(i).m_s / (a * c_var);
        s_s = medium_states(i).s_s / (a * c_var);
        force = force + (Omega_i * C^2 * m_s * s_s);
        freq_squared = freq_squared + (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i * (1 + z) / c_var^2);
    freq = sqrt(freq_squared);
    force_unified = freq^2 * (force / a^2);
    disp(['Scenario 2 - Force: ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Scenario 2 - Frequency: ', num2str(freq), ' Hz']);

% Run test
test_einstein_wrong_scenario2(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, 1, 0);

Scenario 3: Energy not Mass Equivalent

Assumption: E=mc² isn’t valid; energy and mass are not interchangeable but have a different relationship.

  • Modification: Let’s assume energy scales with mass but not in a squared relationship, perhaps linearly or with another power.


% Function to calculate energy from mass with a new relationship
function E_from_m(mass, c)
    % Hypothetical linear relationship instead of E=mc²
    return mass * c; % Assuming a linear, not squared, relationship

% Test function
function test_einstein_wrong_scenario3(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, a, z)
    force = 0;
    freq_squared = 0;
    for i = 1:length(medium_states)
        Omega_i = medium_states(i).resistance;
        X_i = medium_states(i).X;
        m_s = medium_states(i).m_s / a;
        s_s = medium_states(i).s_s / a;
        % Using new energy-mass relationship in calculations
        energy_contribution = E_from_m(m_s, C);
        force = force + (Omega_i * energy_contribution * s_s);
        freq_squared = freq_squared + (phi * (fn^i) * (pn^i) * Omega_i * (r^2) * X_i * (1 + z));
    freq = sqrt(freq_squared);
    force_unified = freq^2 * (force / a^2);
    disp(['Scenario 3 - Force: ', num2str(force_unified)]);
    disp(['Scenario 3 - Frequency: ', num2str(freq), ' Hz']);

% Run test
test_einstein_wrong_scenario3(medium_states, phi, fn, pn, r, C, 1, 0);

These scenarios are purely theoretical and speculative, designed to explore how our model might behave if some recent history assumptions of modern physics were altered or proven wrong. The results would be highly speculative and not aligned with current scientific understanding but can provide interesting insights into how different physical laws might interact in a revised framework of the knowable universe.