My opinions are my own. Draw your own conclusions. You don’t use Yandex?
Waiting around for the same people who got us into this mess to fix things is irrational. The real advances in tech of late have been in distributed and that’s precisely where we can look to take matters into our own hands. Please, if you know something, post it here.
You’re not going to find the information you need through traditional channels, per say. We can assume these channels were captured and it would be difficult to determine when these captures are truly lifted.
This isn’t our area of expertise but we will attempt to develop the same way utilizing our big data storyboards and see who else shows up to contribute.
The Mechanisms
As far as I can see, the mechanisms of each brand or even batch are different. This was clearly intended to obfuscate for as long as possible that there was a problem in the first place. We have to remember these mechanisms were man-made, they were nefarious, and they were intended to cause a great deal of damage to the primary as well as secondary recipients discreetly at first. We must remember the mechanism for each product or batch is different but might also share some traits.
Blood clots / Strokes
Autoimmune, including -
Turbo Cancer, also here
Seizures (side-effect?)
Pseudo-HIV (secondary recipients)
Parasites (nano tech) and here and here and here
Heavy Metal Toxicity and Effects
Psychological Embedding / Entrenching (denial, bargaining, weaponized tribalism)
Secondary Fallout
Rendering YOU as a life-long dependent (treating symptoms instead of the problem) - medical coercion as a solution for financial woes of big pharma
Now we can identify which products were administered and try to cross-match:
Johnson & Johnson
Source: Comparing the COVID-19 Vaccines: How Are They Different? > News > Yale Medicine
Big Food
Big Pharma
Are any other vaccines tainted?
Intrusive or Invasive PCR Tests
Environmental Contributors
5G and high bandwidth radio was rolled out as well with suspicious timing. There is some mechanism in place between 5G and these problems. This is easy enough to remedy at first blush - cessation. But that’s more difficult than it sounds for the average connected individual. This may help.
Deprivation of sunlight / social isolation.
Homeopathic help
As should be obvious, everything contained herein is not medical advice. You are your OWN authority on the subject. That said, here are some homeopathic solutions which are believed to help. We still need to assign these to their respective cross-compare chart as of this writing.
Ivermectin (CAREFUL: What is the labelling fallacy?)
HCQ (CAREFUL: What is the labelling fallacy?)
One Grapefruit per day for blood clotting? (Why does a body suppose blood thinners mandate you cessate from the grapefruit?)
Immunosuppression and here.
Emotional Well-being / Spirituality (last but not least)
I do not trust him, Sam I am, grain of salt. What is authorized alternative narrative?
Am I saying we should trust dispensaries? No, I am not. What’s this?
PLACEHOLDER Importance of exercise, dementia. Why are diet, exercise, spirituality and gut health clinically disregarded when this is the most basic step?
Graphene? Luciferase? Heavy Metal Detox and here and here