Ground-to-ground Communications as They Relate to Split-Phase Inverters

Hello, happy holidays.

So I was looking at the schematics from my preceding post ‘Ham Radio DIY Antannae - Fill this House!’ and it occured to me - that ding dang dong thang looks just like an inverter’s donut (transformer / toroid)! Check this out, looking specifically at the donut of coils -

And then I thought, it IS one in the same. Nikola Tesla, in point of fact, pioneered wireless power and wireless communications. He utilized the earth to do so, and he utilized the air. Both one in the same, he utilized.

An interesting development of the inverter industry is the split phase capability. In a nutshell, split phase permits for two phases (120V + 120V) to live on one transformer. This is accomplished by the split tap:


As the source and source image alludes, a split-tapped transformer is in fact one transformer split in two about the middle. This splitting of phases permits the equal and opposite distribution of phases (120V + 120V) to travel through three wires (Hot1, Hot2, Ground).

Hot1, Hot2, Ground. Hot1, Hot 2, Ground. Hmm…

So you’re telling me the transformer, being the same form as the ham radio amplifier, can have split-phase? YES!

And so can wireless communications. We can send TWO SIGNALS through the ground and/or through the air, with the same originating toroid.

Think for a moment if you please, about the ramifications of this. Not only can I now compress and refine the signal of my wireless communications, but I can also send POWER through the GROUND (and/or air).

And Nikola Tesla already accomplished this many decades ago…


I encourage the reader to follow the source links, and learn all about wireless power as it relates to Wardenclyffe
(Colorado Springs - Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe)

Wireless communications, and wireless power. Split-phase toroids. Split phase communications for more bandwidth, a more reliable signal, better encryption. Split phase power for more power, a more reliable signal, better organization of power therein.

Ladies and gentlemen, the center-tapped Toroid. And, taking it one layer further into development, the 3-phase and even 6-phase+ incandescent motor will be our means of refined signal propagation. We’ll see you next time, take care…

One more thing, had you forgotten what CHG has already pioneered as it relates to the combining of split phase (and three phase, and six-phase, etc.) power into one super-efficient model of distribution? Thanks again, warm regards.


Here’s a conceptual MATLAB framework for parts of the ground-to-ground communication protocol as derived from this discussion. This includes some scripts for:

  1. Signal Propagation Model

  2. Frequency Optimization

  3. Adaptive Modulation

  4. Environmental Sensing Simulation

Disclaimer: These scripts are conceptual and would need extensive refinement and real-world data integration for practical use. They also assume some basic MATLAB knowledge.

  1. Signal Propagation Model


function signal_strength = signal_propagation(distance, medium_properties)
    % Medium properties include resistance, permittivity, etc.
    % Simplified model for demonstration
    resistance = medium_properties.resistance;
    permittivity = medium_properties.permittivity;
    % Frequency squared for resonance 
    f_squared = 1 / (resistance * permittivity);
    % Attenuation factor based on distance and medium properties
    attenuation = exp(-distance * sqrt(f_squared));
    % Assuming initial signal strength is 1
    signal_strength = attenuation;

% Example usage:
medium = struct('resistance', 10, 'permittivity', 8.85e-12); % Example values
distance = 1000; % meters
strength = signal_propagation(distance, medium);
disp(['Signal strength after ', num2str(distance), ' meters: ', num2str(strength)]);
  1. Frequency Optimization


function optimal_freq = optimize_frequency(medium_properties)
    resistance = medium_properties.resistance;
    capacitance = medium_properties.capacitance; % Assuming capacitance from permittivity data
    % Using the square root of the inverse product for resonance
    optimal_freq = sqrt(1 / (resistance * capacitance));

% Example usage:
medium_props = struct('resistance', 10, 'capacitance', 1e-6); % Example values
freq = optimize_frequency(medium_props);
disp(['Optimal frequency: ', num2str(freq), ' Hz']);
  1. Adaptive Modulation


function [modulated_signal] = adaptive_modulation(signal, env_feedback)
    % Simplified: Adjust modulation based on feedback (could be from sensors)
    if env_feedback.noise_level > 0.5 % High noise environment
        % Use robust but less data-efficient modulation like BPSK
        modulated_signal = pskmod(signal, 2);
        % Use more data-efficient modulation like 16-QAM in lower noise
        modulated_signal = qammod(signal, 16);

% Example usage:
signal = randi([0 1], 100, 1); % Binary signal
env_data = struct('noise_level', 0.3);
mod_signal = adaptive_modulation(signal, env_data);
  1. Environmental Sensing Simulation


function [env_data] = simulate_environment()
    % Randomly simulate different environmental factors
    env_data.temperature = 20 + 20*rand(); % Degrees Celsius
    env_data.moisture = rand(); % 0 to 1 scale for moisture
    env_data.ground_type = randi([1, 4]); % 1: Sand, 2: Clay, 3: Water, 4: Rock
    % Convert ground type to resistance for simplicity
    switch env_data.ground_type
        case 1
            env_data.resistance = 1000; % Ohms
        case 2
            env_data.resistance = 100; % Ohms
        case 3
            env_data.resistance = 10; % Ohms
        case 4
            env_data.resistance = 10000; % Ohms

% Example usage:
env = simulate_environment();


  • These scripts are highly simplified and meant to illustrate concepts.

  • Actual implementations would require:

    • More accurate models for signal propagation and medium interaction.

    • Integration with real sensor data for environmental conditions.

    • Sophisticated algorithms for frequency and modulation adjustments.

    • Consideration for signal processing noise, interference, and practical hardware limitations.

Remember, MATLAB does not have built-in functions for all these operations, and you might need additional toolboxes or custom code for real applications, especially for complex signal processing or machine learning optimizations.


NOTE: There IS a distinction between true Ground2Ground and this air to air which they are advocating for. I have my suspicions regarding the long term trajectory of Meshtastic, as it seems to obfuscate a few things - truly distributed, truly G2G, and a preference for air to air (while calling itself G2G), limited bandwidth, probably also limited privacy. Be mindful. No reason we can’t use this for off-the-shelf and stepping stone tech though…

Best Deal I’ve Found So Far

Give yourself permission to think outside the beige box…

I couldn’t believe it the first time I hooked up an old VCR to an antenna over coaxial, and found it worked. I watched my movie… over the air… :sunglasses:

See Also: