Void Blimp Primitives

By Stefan Toth in collaboration with Josef Kulovany

This one must be downloaded - blimp01.pdf (254.3 KB)

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The Secret Sauce: inside a nautilus shell - Google Search

Henceforth, solely architected Josef Kulovany.


Take a look at this drawing again. Our innermost bladder does not necessarily need to be 0 bar. In fact, it can be pressurized to 1 atmosphere. In fact, it can be pressurized further to any pressure desired - ladies and gentleman, the premise of the onion-shell or onion shell pressure vessel -

… and yes, in addition to pressure vessels, this principle applies also to the submarine…

Our vessel doesn’t need to be almond or traditional shape. You can do it also with pipes and spirals, any shape you need.

Alternatively, our void baffles could exist on the outermost rings of our vessel, leaving lots of space for the centermost bladder to exist as partial vacuum and moving perhaps also our centermost core to the outside rings, leaving lots of space in the middle of our craft for partial vacuum and/or 1 ATM bladder…

Sort of re-opens the design parameters, if you will… The sky, and the sea as it turns out, really is the limit…


… and since we have our onion-shell pressure vessel and nautilus spiral in concept in pocket with lattices going mainstream thanks to 3D printing, lets look again here…

… can spiralling onion-shell pressure vessels safely spin freely along with the rest of the assembly about a magnetic bearing? These questions keep me up at night…
(just the first three seconds)



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The supreme Law of the Land AKA The Supremacy Clause cemented the US Constitution as law, and had long since re-established lineage of law as it relates to the common law organization of precedence in my country of residence, the United States, which is formally and internationally recognized by a myriad of treaties and otherwise to be a sovereign entity whose laws are recognized therein by every established foreign nation on this earth. Tread carefully, all ye vipers and snakes.

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Next I will talk about bumble bees (heat differential), plasma and energization, hydrogen as our containerized lighter-than-air gas and fuel in place of atmosphere, membranes and valves, and go over a bit of cool stuff as relates to our patron or cargo’s cabin areas. And we will go over safety. Oh and some side musings …

(The Future with ZCHG.org is a Blank Canvas)
What is friction, or static propulsion? Can the friction of cars be recycled, an aside? You ever … zapped yourself getting out of the car? What is resonance?

Can g force have a countering dynamic pressure gradient, equal and opposite the direction and travel of g’s on-the-fly? Should g suits account for modulation with respect to heart and lungs?

… Can ‘Russian-doll’ or onion shell charged spheres-within-spheres or cylinders-within-cylinders, respectively, rotate about electromagnetic bearings to mitigate g forces or wobble, respectively? Would this and these charged shells perhaps assist also through Van Allen’s Radiation Belt? What is a Faraday Cage? How about two? Is voltage relative?
